Fans of ‘The Lion King’ are probably on the edge of their seats right now as they anxiously count down to the premiere of the film.

The live-action remake of the 1994 animated Disney film features a powerhouse cast – Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, Keegan Michael-Key, James Earl Jones and of course, Beyonce.

Disney’s decision to cast Beyonce as Nala set the internet on fire and people were already imagining how good the music will be for the live-action version of ‘The Lion King’.

Well, if it’s her music you’re looking forward to the most, you’re in for a magical treat!

Beyonce at the premiere of 'The Lion King'.
Walt Disney has revealed that Beyonce will be ‘gifting’ fans with a special album and soundtrack for ‘The Lion King’.

The album titled "The Lion King: The Gift" is curated and produced by Queen Bey, features global artists and is “steeped in the sounds of Africa”.

But the crème of the crop is definitely Beyonce’s newsingle titled "Spirit" for the movie. You can hear a snippet of it here (Warning: you’ll get goosebumps!).

The album is set to drop on the same day as the movie premiere, which is on 18 July. Are you guys excited?