
Malaysian Workers Filed Over 15,000 Complaints on Employers in One Year

RD Minion
08:32 MYT

Did you know that there’s a specific app you can channel your complaints to, if you have any labour issues related in your working place?

The app is called Working for Workers (WFW) and since it was launched on May 3, last year, it has received 15,313 complaints as of April 17.

According to a report in Bernama quoting Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan, a total of 14,907 complaints had been acted upon.

“Actions will be taken on all issues or feedback received through this application through the strategic cooperation of labour offices throughout the country that are close to the area of the employee’s premises.

“Apart from reporting employment-related issues, WFW also serves as a medium in delivering suggestions and feedback to ensure the well-being and interests of employees are protected under the labour legal system, especially the Employment Act 1955,” he said as quoted in the report.

He added that the app would be enhanced with translation in 14 languages to encourage more workers, especially foreign workers, to channel their woes regarding labour matters.

Have a burning complaint you've wanted to send about your employer? Send them over to WFW. Or you can DM us on Facebook or Instagram @rojakdaily, We have a counsellor ready who can help with your workplace problems.
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