"So Cute!" - Netizens Praise Mydin Malaysia Owner For Starring In Viral TikTok Videos
It seems that almost everyone is on TikTok, especially when the Movement Control Order (MCO) was first announced in Malaysia.
Besides the younger demographic, giant corporations and brands have also joined in the trendy app to appeal to their customers, and that includes Mydin Malaysia.
Owner becomes viral sensation
Over the weekend, Mydin Malaysia’s managing director Datuk Wira (Dr.) Haji Ameer Ali Mydin went viral on Twitter after he appeared in several TikTok videos.The first video that went viral was of him attempting the now trending #WipeItDown challenge.Boleh tahan jugak marketing Mydin.— ru (@ruhilru) June 5, 2020
Malaysians praised Ameer for moving with the times by joining TikTok and also for being ‘sporting’ enough to star in the videos.
Others found the videos amusing and were also curious which staff member managed to convince them to join TikTok; and he or she deserves a raise for suggesting the idea to Ameer.
Pergh. Mydin’s tiktok game is pretty strong.— Syefri Zulkefli (@chapree) June 5, 2020
Even Mydin’s more hip than me (only found out about this wiping thing going on on TikTok)— Sabrina (@brinapingu) June 6, 2020
Aku sorg jeke bru tau Dato’ Mydin ade tiktok ?? kemainn wipe it down challenge dia promote brg2 murah Mydin ahhahaha cute— 시마♡ (@emkonic) June 8, 2020
mydin buat tiktok i-— fiwaz ♡ (@fiwazletih) June 6, 2020
Aku follow tiktok mydin sebab nak tgk harga barang murah je. Marketing yg berjaya hahahaha— ajerin (@_noradzreen) June 6, 2020
Comel gila Mydin punya tiktok ???????— ?????? (@iassssssssss) June 5, 2020
sebagai bekas pekerja mydin, saya berbangga mydin ada tiktok— Goodbye. (@hajarun_) June 5, 2020
A few other videos that have attracted attention are the ones where he promotes chicken eggs and Hari Raya outfits sold in Mydin.Aku sekarang ni layan tiktok. Channel paling fav Mydin la. Dari raya haritu aku tengok tiktok video dia best. Nice la bos mau ikut peredaran zaman— سا را ? (@msarahfqh) June 5, 2020
Mydin Malaysia’s TikTok account has so far garnered over 10,000 followers and over 53,000 likes to date.

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