Is your mind constantly thinking about the plethora of amazing Hari Raya food waiting for you this Friday? The delectable spread of lemang, rendang, ketupat, and of course kuih raya which comes occasionally each year fills up your tummy and Instagram feed!

Each year, we can see creative Malaysians coming up with new ideas or dishes for Hari Raya. Of course, nothing beats the traditional dishes such as rendang, but with kuih raya, you have ample room for ideas and creativity.

So this year, what could be the top 10 trending kuih raya you should make and stock up in your jars?

Here are the top 10 most-searched kuih raya recipes based on the data collected by Google Malaysia.

1. Nestum cookies

You can add chocolate chips or even put a cherry on top of it.We could finish a whole jar of this in just an hour!
It seems like Nestum tops the list this year for being the most sought after kuih raya. There are many variations of this modern kuih raya, from the good old cookie shape to the popiah Nestum variant. Whatever form it comes in, almost everyone can agree that Nestum goes well with almost everything!

You can try out the Nestum cookies recipe here and the popiah Nestum recipe here.

2. Cheese tart

Just looking at this is making us drool!
There’s something about cheese that Malaysians seem to be obsessed about, so it’s no surprise cheese made it to the list this year. Cheese tarts are relatively easy to make and is so versatile – you can add blueberry, Nutella, or anything you like with it.

You can try making your own cheese tarts using this recipe.

3. Honey cornflakes

Who else likes honey cornflakes?
A staple in every house, honey cornflakes reigns supreme in your kuih raya collection each year. It’s crunchy, sweet, and you can’t stop at one!

Try the recipe here.

4. Chocolate cornflakes

Look at that chocolatey goodness!
Some people got bored of honey cornflakes, so chocolate cornflakes was born. If you’re mad about chocolate, this one’s going to get you addicted.

Curb your addiction by making your own chocolate cornflakes using this recipe.

5. Makmur biscuit

Is kuih Makmur on the top of your list?
The traditional biscuit that’s still many are still nuts about up until today. It’s milky and nutty combination compliments each other perfectly.

Try the recipe here.

6. Semperit Susu

This is Rojak Daily's admin's favourite,Yummy!
For generations, this is one kuih raya that’ll definitely get its jars emptied first every year. This simplicity and silky, milky taste has won our hearts (and tastebuds) in the past, present, and in the future! It’s just so good that you don’t want to share it with anyone and probably have your own secret stash of it.

You can try making this legendary kuih raya with this recipe here.

7. Mazola biscuit

Do you have nuts on your mind?
Another classic kuih raya, the Mazola biscuit is actually quite similar to the makmur biscuit. The only difference is that it has more of a brown hue and has a nut placed on top of it. If you like nuts, you ought to stock up for this first.

Try making this nutty biscuit using this recipe.

8. Sarang Semut

Sarang semut without the ants.
If you’ve never heard of this kuih before, don’t worry, no ants were harmed during the making of it. But it probably lured ants thanks to its yummy smell! If you’ve ran out of semperit, this should be your go-to kuih raya.

Try to make this ant-free kuih raya using the recipe here.

9. Rolled pineapple tart

Peep that golden hue and pineapple filling!
The OG, the mother of all tarts, and a strong contender for the most evergreen kuih raya of all time – the rolled pineapple tart! There’s no need to convince you on why this kuih raya is so popular each year. You see pineapple tarts, you eat it immediately.

Try your hand at making this sweet classic using this recipe.

10. London Almond cookies

Crunchy, chocolatey, nutty!
When we were little, we thought London Almond cookies were actually imported from London. It turns out, it’s not. It’s made in Malaysia. No idea who coined the name for this kuih raya, but London Almond joins the rank among the top classical and evergreen kuih raya in Malaysia.

You can try making it using this recipe.