Recently, a video of an elderly man feeding birds went viral after birds came flocking to him after he calls out to them with a unique phrase.

Netizens were in awe and likened the man to Aquaman calling up fishes from the ocean.

The video uploaded by Twitter user Fariz Ikhwan has gained over 32,000 retweets and likes to date.

In an interview with Rojak Daily, the man known as Pak Cik Hasfani said that he has been feeding the birds for 19 years now.

He usually feeds them twice a day at 8.30am and 5.30pm nearby Hussain Nasi Kandar in Sungai Petani, Kedah, where he has been working for the past 20 years.

Your nasi kandar pakcik and neighbourhood birdman.
The Kedahan said that he had no intention to train the birds when he first started feeding them 19 years ago and just decided to continue doing it everyday.

The birds are now familiar and friendly with Pak Cik Hasfani.

“This area has a lot of pigeons so I decided to feed them since I’m working nearby,” he said.

And if you’re wondering what exactly he says when calling out to the birds, it's actually “Titi, titi!” which is a short form for burung merpati.

A true bird lover

The 70-year-old man said he usually waits for the whole group of birds to converge before feeding them.

As for his love for birds, the father of five said that it's something he grew up with as his parents also owned all kinds of birds and he was used to being around them and feeding them since his school days.

Many netizens who were touched with Pak Cik Hasfani’s act thanked him for his kindness and prayed for his wellbeing.

Good job, pak cik! Let’s spread kindness during this pandemic and stressful period in our country.