What have you done, durian?

In other parts of the world, the durian can be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.

Just ask this library in Melbourne.

Around 600 students and staff members of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) were forced to evacuate the university library on Saturday.

A dramatise version of the event.
According to a report by BBC, 40 firefighters and masked specialist crews rushed to the scene at around 3pm after they were alerted to the "smell of gas" by students of the university.

In case you're wondering, the smell of gas is extra alarming because the building is known to store potentially dangerous chemicals.

After an intensive search, the smell turned out to be a rotting durian left in a cupboard.

A Metropolitan Fire Brigade spokesperson told the news portal that the smell had reportedly spread around the building via the campus' air conditioning system.

The spokesperson also added that the rotting durian was dealt with by Melbourne's Environment Protection Authority.

The building has now been reopened, he added.

Run! Run for your lives!
Before you lean back, kick your feet up and laugh 'til you die, these occurences are actually more common than you think.

Back in 2013, an entire row of shoplots in Plymouth, England were forced to shut down after a shopowner reported smelling gas, but it turned out to be a durian.

A year later, the fire department evacuated an entire hospital in Melbourne over a suspected gas leak in one of its wards. It turned out that a durian was the culprit.

Then, just last year, the same thing happened to a building at the Manchester University, England.

Boy, it sounds like the authorities should stick a 'Warning' or a 'Radioactive' sign on durians from now on.