
Here’s Your Chance To Clean Up Your Wardrobe And Donate To Charity!

RD Minion
14:02 MYT
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Here’s Your Chance To Clean Up Your Wardrobe And Donate To Charity!
Hari Raya is just around the corner, and there's no better time to do some spring cleaning. You know; tidy up your wardrobe, clear away your book cabinets or empty your kitchen drawers.
If you have no idea where you could send your unwanted clothing to, we have it covered.
Bursa Malaysia, Astro Awani and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Kloth Cares and Lifeline Clothing Malaysia have collaborated to organise a ‘Fabric Recycling Campaign’ in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan.
If you have fabrics such as include rugs, curtains, shoes, belts, household textiles or clothes you don't want anymore, you could donate them to the good people that's running this campaign.
The fabrics will then be recycled - either be donated to the needy or given a new life, according to Astro Awani.
You can donate your fabric between 25 to 26 May at Bursa Malaysia’s main building located at Bukit Kewangan in Kuala Lumpur.
For more information, you can contact Farid at 010-9473255 or email [email protected].
Alternatively, you could also check out this list of places where you can donate or recycle your unwanted stuff such as electronics, books or clothing.
Let's do our bit to help save Mother Nature, OK guys?
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