
This Video Of a Woman Celebrating Her Graduation With Her Parents Left Us in Tears

Shazwan Zulkiffli
06:51 MYT
In life, a few crucial events will make your parents happy: your birth, your wedding and your graduation. After years of sleepless nights and pure hard work, a graduation ceremony celebrates all your efforts, hopes and dreams as you step out into the working world - or some say the ‘real’ one.
Since it’s graduation season now, a video of a graduation ceremony went viral on TikTok for all the right reasons. TikTok user @addashu recently graduated with flying colours and celebrated the achievement by attending the ceremony with her parents.
Unlike many other attendees who only took photos of themselves and loved ones in their robes, Adda decided to do something uniquely different.
Out of love and respect, Adda took off her robe and put it on her father, who was left very much touched and speechless by her actions.
The video received a massive response. In a short span of time, the short clip gained more than a million views on TikTok and thousands of comments.
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Based on the positive response, Adda grabbed the opportunity to post a follow-up video but this time, featuring her mother. Her mother looked as if she was trying to hold her tears as her daughter finally achieved her dreams after all these years.
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In true TikTok nature, netizens chimed in with their own thoughts about the video including these two that had us holding a box of tissues.
Other TikTokkers urged the young to appreciate their parents as we never know how much time we have with them.
What about you? Do you have an interesting graduation story to tell as well? Send it to us via email at [email protected]
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