
Watch This Ultra Cool Ramadan Video Featuring PDRM's Crazy Talented Marching Band

RD Minion
03:05 MYT
No thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Movement Control Order (MCO), Ramadan this year will be very different.
To cheer you up, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) wants to dedicate a new song to you guys.

A special message for us

Titled "Ramadan Datang", the song aims to not only celebrate the holy month of fasting, but to also remind Malaysians to stay at home during the MCO.
Killing two birds with one stone, we see.
According to a report by Malay Mail, the song’s music director and one of the lead singers is ASP Mesmoro Edward.
“I am proud to be one of the officers representing PDRM in this project. We have to tell the frontliners and Malaysians to keep up the hard work and not give up during Ramadan.
“Most of the officers in PDRM are frontliners as well in the fight against COVID-19. This song is dedicated to telling them not to give up in Ops COVID this fasting month in order to stop the spread of the virus,” said Edward, who reportedly has a bachelor’s degree in music studies at University Malaysia Sabah.
Edward said that the song, which was inspired by Indonesian jazz singer Tompi’s "Ramadhan Datang", was reworked to suit the times by Selangor CID chief SAC Datuk Fadzil Ahmad.
Edward, who is also the KL police marching band head, said they took over a week to record the music video for the song, which involved a team of 30 police officers including his KL police band unit.
They went through all this hard work to remind us to stay at home despite the Ramadan month.
“The song is catchy. But it is also a message for all Malaysians to tell them to stay at home and abide by the rules of the MCO,” said Edward.
Thank you for the catchy song, you guys!
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