If you’ve been noticing lower quality videos on Youtube and Netflix, it's not you, it's the whole system.

YouTube has actually reduced the quality of videos around the world to ease internet traffic during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Bloomberg reported that what this means is, viewers will at first see YouTube videos in standard definition and be given an option if they want to watch it in HD format.

Meanwhile, Netflix also announced similar measures in Malaysia.

According to a report in The Star, Netflix will be reducing the quality of its High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (UHD) content to decrease overall network traffic in the country.

A spokesperson said that those paying to stream content in HD or UHD will still be able to view videos in those resolutions but may experience a slight decrease in picture quality.

Both YouTube and Netflix will decrease quality of content for about a month.

Streaming services have naturally seen a steep surge in the last few weeks with most of the world being homebound due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Sooooo, no point to marah-marah. We're all stuck in the same sampan.