
Authorities: Please Don't Pray On The Emergency Lanes Because It's Not Safe

RD Minion
05:57 MYT
Over the Hari Raya Haji weekend, pictures of Muslims praying on the emergency lanes of Kuala Lumpur-Karak Expressway (KLK) and the East Coast Expressway 1 (LPT1) emerged.
While the devotion and obedience of those performing the prayers were commendable, it isn't exactly safe for them or other road users.
Imagine if an ambulance or other emergency vehicles were speeding on the lane (which is meant for emergencies, after all) and ran over those praying.
We shudder to even think of the carnage that will leave.

Highway operators pleads with road users not to pray on emergency lanes

It's not safe and you might block emergency vehicles Anih Bhd, the operator for both KLK and LPT1, pleaded to motorists not to pray on the emergency lanes as they risk traffic accident, several news channels reported.
“We truly appreciate the patience of KLK Highway users and also the obedience of the Muslims to perform their prayers while traveling to the East Coast, during every festive season and public holidays.
“However, we as the KLK Highway operators, also seek patience and reasonableness from road users so as not to perform their prayers on the roads; that is on the emergency lane, for safety factors,” a statement by the company reportedly stated.
Anih Bhd also advised road users to plan their journey, taking into consideration traffic congestion, and stop at R&R areas to perform their prayers.
Plan your journey Remember guys, the emergency lane is for you to stop in case of emergencies, or for emergency vehicles to use especially during when there's a need.
Please don't use it for any other reasons, yeah? Like beating a traffic jam, for example.
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